
Mission, Vison and Objectives

Over the last decade, there has been a concerted effort to turn attention to early childhood development in varying degrees across the continent. Whereas there has been significant advocacy on early childhood care, education and development across Low and Middle-Income countries such as Kenya, there are still children left behind for wide-ranging reasons.

As the name suggests, when children access timely mix of quality care and education programs, they are guaranteed of promising experiences that lay foundation for lifelong health, behavior, and learning.

The role of facilitating access rests upon everyone’s shoulders i.e., the government, community, families, healthcare practitioners, private sector, philanthropists, and caregivers. Together we can ensure no child is left behind. Not on our watch!


A continent where all children have an early access to quality care and education.


Early Start Africa exists to promote and facilitate timely foundational access to quality early childhood care and education for all children through financing, workforce development and policy advocacy.

Quality Service
