Our Programs

What We do

Early Childhood Care and Education Financing

Early Start will give early years scholarships to children who might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend pre-primary because of its growing costs. This assistance will require that the income of applying family/caregiver falls below national poverty line. Financial aid will support paying minimum registration requirements, two nutritious meals and selected learning materials.

Priority services targeted by the ECD Scholarship supports children from age 4 starting pre-primary school including facilitating transition to school. Other range of supports includes screening of learning special needs, acquisition of birth registration and limited household cash transfer for approved needs.

Rise Up

Rise Up is Early Start Africa’s workforce enhancement program. Through the Rise Up, Early Start Africa aims at developing high quality calibre of human resource working with children directly and indirectly. This is achieved through partnership with relevant ministries to retool and equip frontline workers and where necessary, support appropriate licensing of practitioners within the sector. Workforce mentorship identifies and promotes values of anti-discrimination, anti-bias, and respect for diversity in admission of children to programs, in classrooms and other service delivery points.

Other priority capacity aspects of Early Start Africa are those that directly impact quality of programs for children such as infrastructure, mentorship of management of pre-primary centres and increasing male involvement in early care and education and access to quality water, sanitation and hygiene. We stress the need to place children and families at the centre of any early childhood service delivery

SDG Target 4.2

 By 2030 ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education

Policy Plus

Policy Plus is a Nurturing Care Advocacy initiative of Early Start Africa that works closely with governments, development agencies and civil society to improve laws and standards together with overall investment of early childhood care and education. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. This statement is truer than ever before in Africa. Proper framework of action and investment at all levels of governments are required to assure every child the right to quality care and education.

We collaboratively work to realize our commitment to the wellbeing of young children and in compliance with the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the 1990 Jomtien World Conference on Education for All, the 2000 World Education Forum (Dakar, Senegal) and the Sustainable Development Goals.

ESA Accreditation

ESA Accreditation is an initiative of Early Start Africa to promote a continuous quality improvement culture among providers of early childhood care and education services. Early Start Africa works with ECD stakeholders to assess and share quality feedback with ECD centres and programs. ESA Accredited service providers are given priority consideration when placing children. To have your ESA Accreditation, contact us for more information.

A continent where all children have an early access to quality care and education.
