Eunice Wanjiku Njoroge

Miss Njoroge is an astute Early Childhood Development practitioner with over 5 years' progressive experience in research focusing on the adaptation of context-relevant strategies for optimization of child development in low and middle-income countries. Eunice currently works as a Project Officer at The Institute for Human Development - Aga Khan University. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Food Nutrition and Dietetics from Kenyatta University and is a nutritionist, licensed by the Kenya Nutritionists' and Dietitians Institute (KNDI). She is greatly driven by the passion for sustainable public and population health reforms rooted in grassroots practice and policy.

She has worked extensively in the research and implementation of projects centered around early childhood development within urban informal settlements and Frontier Counties. She has also practiced as a clinical nutritionist. Eunice is passionate about championing for healthy communities through the optimization of maternal and child nutrition as well as food security programs. Her interests are in implementation science, policy and advocacy geared towards strengthening health systems.

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