Teresa Loch

Teresa Loch is a young Kenyan feminist and a veteran of digital and advocacy communications with keen interests in social justice and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. Loch specializes in creating and managing digital content to build relationships for individuals and organizations. Her core skills are strategic digital communication, advocacy, project management, gender mainstreaming, storytelling, and gender sensitization. She is passionate about realizing the gender agenda and women empowerment in Kenya and Africa as a whole.

At ELF-Africa, Loch is responsible for shaping ELF-Africa's digital presence, growing its audience and supporting the smooth running of its digital channels. She also ensures that the work of ELF-Africa has the digital media profile it needs to enable it to shape online conversations on values-based leadership and amplify the voices of young people through storytelling. Additionally, she is the principal assistant to the Executive Director. Loch has also worked with Inuka Kenya Ni Sisi!, Fight Inequality Alliance and Zamara Foundation in championing various human rights issues and social justice causes.

Loch holds a bachelor's degree in Gender and Development Studies and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in the same course. She is passionate about defending online civic space and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. Above all, storytelling lies at the heart of her activism and advocacy work. She loves telling stories and curating spaces that center the stories of women and girls in their diversities. To her, advocacy is both self and collective care—we are creating a world we do not have to heal from.

You can catch up with Loch on LinkedIn and Twitter

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